Монография А.Л. Суздалевой и С.В. Горюновой «Техногенез и деградация поверхностных водных объектов»

A. Suzdalevа, S. Goryunova
Technogenesis and degradation of surface water objects
М.: OOO ID ENERGIYA, 2014. – 456 p.

A. Suzdalevа, S. Goryunova
«Technogenesis and degradation of surface water objects»

Summary. The monograph is devoted to the complex analysis of water objects’ technological transformation and degradation processes. These issues are dealt with by authors impartially and multidimensionally. In contrast to other studies of the subject, authors do not stop at simple description of the observed processes. Their main goal is to search for opportunities to prevent adverse events. Various examples of fresh and marine water objects technogenesis show that the only real way to solve the problem is to develop methods for managing these processes.
References: 344 items

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ISBN 978-5-98908-338-1 © Суздалева А.Л., Горюнова С.В., 2014
I. General rules of environmental technogenesis18
1.1 Definition of technogenesis18
1.2. Legal interpretation of environmental technogenesis27
1.3. Historic development of technogenesis process and its main stages35
1.4. Types of technogenesis48
1.5. Managed natural-technical systems62
II. Technogenesis of water objects73
2.1. Distinctive features, basic forms and ecological mechanisms of water bodies’ technogenesis73
2.2. Ecological melioration of water bodies and main types of their ecologic-engineering arrangements80
2.3. Natural-technogenic, technogenic water objects and technogenic water clusters88
III. Technogenesis of continental water objects91
3.1. Main causes of technogenesis, its manifestations and development trends91
3.2. Overview of typical continental water bodies’ technogenesis96
3.2.1. Regulated river systems96 General characteristics96 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization100
3.2.2. Cooling ponds of atomic power stations and thermal power stations122 General characteristics122 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization132
3.2.3. Anti-rivers (inter-basin and inter-regional transfer of stream flow)166 General characteristics166 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization174
3.2.4. Ecologic-engineering arrangement of small urban water bodies213 General characteristics213 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization224
IV. Technogenesis of global ocean248
4.1. Current character of global ocean technological transformation248
4.2. Overview of marine water objects typical technogenesis types259
4.2.1. Littoral recreational areas259 General characteristics259 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization268
4.2.2. Tidal power plants293 General characteristics293 Significant aspects of technogenesis and ways of ecological optimization296
V. General principles of water bodies degradation310
5.1. Conceptual principles for degradation processes research. Definition of basic concepts310
5.2. The main causes of water bodies’ degradation324
5.2.1. The composition of anthropogenic (technogenic) factors324
5.2.2. Contamination327
5.2.3. Eutrophication336
5.2.4. Clogging339
5.2.5. Violation of stratification346
5.2.6. Pathogens development in water bodies354
5.2.7. Changes in catchment area’s character356
5.2.8. Depletion of water bodies and change in river systems’ hudraulicity358
5.3. Main stages of degradation process364
5.4. Assessment of degraded water bodies373
VI. Managed technogenesis of water objects382
6.1. Role of modern technogenesis n the formation of environment382
6.2. General principles of managed technogenesis of water bodies388
6.2.1. Conceptual (theoretical) principles389
6.2.2. Methodological principles397
Annex I. List of Abbreviations443
Annex II. Glossary444

Суздалева А.Л., Горюнова С.В. Техногенез и деградация поверхностных водных объектов. – М.: ООО ИД ЭНЕРГИЯ, 2014. – 456 с.